About Poongsung

풍성 홈페이지를 방문해주신 고객 여러분 진심으로 환영합니다. 풍성 홈페이지를 방문해주신 고객 여러분 진심으로 환영합니다.
Greetings from Poongsung
Since its establishment in 1948 as Poongsung Industrial, Poongsung’s journey has been in step with the history of modernization of Korea. Amidst changes big and small in the past seven decades, with your support, Poongsung was able to steadily grow and expand its field of business from manufacturing to chemical storage, private equity fund, and renewable energy.
Poongsung is about to take its next big leap forward in pace with the fast-changing environment. With unceasing efforts to change and innovate, Poongsung is committed to identifying new growth engines and increasing corporate value. Further, we will do our utmost to create a corporate culture where all employees are happy and proud to be a member of Poongsung, so that these values could naturally be relayed to our customers.
On behalf of all employees of Poongsung, we extend our sincere gratitude for your ongoing support, and we promise our efforts to return the favor by building a company that would stand by your side for a time greater than its long history.
Senior management of Poongsung Co., Ltd.